Oleh Pak Ngah (Laman M@RHAEN)

Pak Ngah yang dok cerita hari itu fasal saranan bekas PM Dr. Mahathir supaya masyarakat Islam Amerika jangan undi Bush itu. Hari ini Pak Ngah perlihatkan macam mana bentuknya dan ayat-ayat surat tersebut untuk tatapan Rakyat Malaysia dan 2 bentuk ulasan dari pembaca di sana tu..
October 18, 2004
Mahathir Mohamad's Open Letter to American Muslims: Vote Kerry
Mahathir, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, thinks Jews secretly run the world, and that the United States should not interfere in the affairs of other countries. But that doesn't stop him from trying to interfere in the affairs of the United States. From IslamiCity, with thanks to L:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In the past four years, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, the Muslims and their countries have suffered oppression and humiliation as never before in the history of Islam. There is an obvious connection between the sufferings of the Muslims and the policies and thinking of Bush.

We cannot expect much change to the policies of the United States of America towards Islam and the Muslims under Democrats as under Republicans. But we have a duty to ensure that Bush will not be able to determine our fate for four more years....

Dear Brothers and Sisters. Vote Bush out of office. It is truly an ibadah that you perform.
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia,

It's a shame that he resorts to this sort of thing instead of confronting the violence and radicalism within the Islamic community--as if all that Bush has done is unprovoked.
Kenyataan Dr Mahathir ini amat mengelirukan lagi pandangan antarabangsa terhadap Islam dan usaha beliau ini dengan mudah dibaca oleh pembaca dari luar negara kerana mereka juga faham teknik yang Dr Mahathir gunakan seperti diperlihatkan ulasan mereka di bawah:
Um, what's the translation of "ibadah"? The only thing the word brings to my mind is something the character Latka Gravis used to say on Taxi.
Posted by: Robert Crawford  at October 18, 2004 09:43 AM

Dear Robert,
"Ibadah" is an act of worship, obedience, and submission to Allah. So Mahathir is saying that if you're a Muslim, you must vote Kerry, and not to do so would be tantamount to an act of apostasy.

Robert Spencer
Posted by: susan_b  at October 18, 2004 05:30 PM

What a conundrum
Malaysian Primer Minister says vote Kerry. Probably because he fully expects reactionary Americans to get alarmed and do the opposite. (Adroit use of Reverse Psychology, which Lenin called The Principle of Indirect Reversal: Oppose what you propose and propose what you oppose)
You said: "Ibadah" is an act of worship, obedience, and submission to Allah. So Mahathir is saying that if you're a Muslim, you must vote Kerry, and not to do so would be tantamount to an act of apostasy."

Only problem with that statement is that Mahathir is not a cleric, so he can't make such statements, and any statements he makes has no standing.

In fact it is irtidad (apostasy) for any Muslim to willy nilly issue fatwa's, and declare that the actions of others are irtidad and calling others takfir if they do or don't do as he wishes.

Apa kah pengajaran yang kita dapat dari kenyataan Dr Mahathir kepada Masyarakat Muslim Amerika. Tentunya banyak juga persoalan dalam negeri boleh juga terjawab, dengan contoh contoh berikut: Kenapakah orang luar lebih cepat menangkap apa yang Dr Mahathir sedang usahakan manakala rakyat Malaysia sendiri masih jauh dalam hal memikirkan tentang apa yang Dr Mahathir telah lakukan di Malaysia.
1. the United States should not interfere in the affairs of other countries. But that doesn't stop him from trying to interfere in the affairs of the United States
2. It's a shame that he resorts to this sort of thing instead of confronting the violence and radicalism within the Islamic community."Ibadah" is an act of worship, obedience, and submission to Allah. So Mahathir is saying that if you're a Muslim, you must vote Kerry, and not to do so would be tantamount to an act of apostasy Problem with that statement is that Mahathir is not a cleric, so he can't make such statements, and any statements he makes has no standing.
3. In fact it is irtidad (apostasy) for any Muslim to willy nilly issue fatwa's, and declare that the actions of others are irtidad and calling others takfir if they do or don't do as he wishes.
4. Malaysian Primer Minister says vote Kerry. Probably because he fully expects reactionary Americans to get alarmed and do the opposite. (Adroit use of Reverse Psychology, which Lenin called The Principle of Indirect Reversal: Oppose what you propose and propose what you oppose)
..….. Pak Ngah - 22.10.2004
(suntingan M@RHAEN - Emel: /
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